Saturday, January 30, 2010

Christ Church, Dresden Ontario

Christ Church, Dresden Ontario. (Dresden is a cute little town in you're ever in the area.)
Marking its 150th anniversary as a congregation in 2009, Christ Church, in Dresden, Ontario has a rich history to celebrate. In the 1850s, Dresden was home to a powerful black abolitionist community and was a centre of the anti-slavery network in Canada West. As an anti-slavery mission founded by the Church of England’s Colonial Church and School Society, Christ Church was built on the principle of racial equality and integration. Mission schoolmaster and Christ Church founder, Reverend Thomas Hughes put it best: “All children are of one common Father, why should we not worship together at all times?”
Research on Christ Church and the abolitionist culture of 19th-century Dresden is supported by the Promised Land Community-University Research Alliance, funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council. For more information visit


Anonymous said...

What a great and informative post!

It is so interesting to know how every building has so much history attached to it!

uhaul said...

thanks again
great info
nice picture

Melissa Robinson said...

This was put on a bookmark and given out for the communities in bloom tour in Dresden.