Sunday, March 29, 2009

You want a Public Historian

As a discipline, Public History is about making history accessible to the public. I think the best way to define public history is to know where the public historian can be found. They typically dwell in museums caring for artefacts, producing displays, performing administrative tasks, and liaising with the public. Although this is not the only place public historians can be found. There are many non traditional jobs for public historians and well jobs that I didn't even know existed. Did you know that public historians are great at freelance historic journalism? They are useful as heritage planners, documentary and film consultants, potentially historic novelists, educators, archivists, entrepreneurs or even in government. Public Historians are well known for their adaptability, creativity and productivity. So if you have a job involving history, you want a public historian.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had no idea that Public Historians are needed for so many things!